Samstag, 5. September 2009

365/247 + 365/248

Saturday 05.09.2009 Day 248

My new clothes

In the morning my husband was at the hairdresser. And then we had breakfast in a café!

After losing weight scarcely anything of my clothing still fit me. In the afternoon, whilst our elder son met up with his friend (the one who is now a member of the Regensburger Domspatzen), we went to town.

My husband bought me new jeans, shirts and shoes. This was very generous of him. Look at the size number of the jeans... yeah 40... twelve weeks ago I had worn still 44/46 and this was almost undersized. Isn´t this fantastic? Don´t know the sizes in England or Amerika but I think it must be between L and XXL

Hence I was bold today and bought these funky red boots! What do you think about?

Most of the day it was windy and rainy! We had 14°C degrees.

In the evening I was looking for a shelter in order to realize my plans next weekend. It was worth the effort - and after many calls it worked!!

CU tomorrow

Friday 04.09.2009 Day 247

Nothing special happened today! It was a regular working Friday, with bad and rainy weather! Nothing was worth to take a shot...

So I´ll show you a picture I made first on Saturday, after the postman was ringing. Isn´t this card cute?

It was hand made by Fabella and it is a special honour for me that I got it!! Thanks so much Sandra!

16 Kommentare:

kirstiegai hat gesagt…

LOVE the red boots

sara hat gesagt…

those red boots are the bomb!!! I think I need a pair!!!

okay, so what size is 40 in American sizes? do you know? whatever it is..congratulations!!!! your hard work has paid off and that is awesome!

gabs hat gesagt…

herzlichen glückwunsch! da hast du echt einen riesen meilenstein geschafft! und deine neuen sachen sehen einfach klasse aus. die schuhe sind der oberhammer!!!
ich wünsche dir einen schönen sonntag,

Dot O hat gesagt…

I love the boots. Around here, you could put them on and learn some country line dancing and fit right on in with the dancers!! They are really stylish.

As far as the segway, after about an hour I got the hang of it. If you lean forward it goes forward. If lean backward a bit, putting your weight on your heels, it will come to a stop. The left hand controls all of the turning. It was so much fun.

Congratulations on your weight loss! That is so wonderful!!! I have 20 pounds I should get off but the chocolate just keeps calling to me.....

Mari hat gesagt…

Hooray for the weight loss! I love the boots!

Susan hat gesagt…

I say congratulations to you on your weight loss. It's never easy. Those boots are beautiful!!

magelan hat gesagt…

Oh von 46 auf 40! Boh - Respeckt!!! das hätt ich auch gern *seufz* trage nun 42-44...

Fabella hat gesagt…

Wow, super die neuen Sachen .. vor allem die Größe, gratuliere herzlich!

Freut mich, daß Dir meine Karte so gut gefallen hat!

Kerstin hat gesagt…

Liebes Flöckchen, da kannst du mächtig stolz auf dich sein. Ganz herzlichen Glückwunsch, eine großartige Leistung.

Und da ich das ja auch durchgemacht habe, weiß ich genau, wie toll du dich jetzt fühlst und wie viel Spaß du beim Shoppen gehabt haben musst.

Ich freue mich sehr für dich, es ist echt klasse!

Bezüglich der roten Stiefelchen.. hmm, mein Ding ist es jetzt nicht gerade, aber ich bin auc nicht nicht der Typ dafür. Trotzdem kann ich mir vorstellen, dass es dir steht ;-)

Und die Karte von Fab - klasse :-) Und natürlich absolut passend!

Ich grüße dich lieb und wünsche euch noch einen tollen Sonntag!

Kerstin ♥

Unknown hat gesagt…

wow... was für ein Erfolg und tolle Schuhe!

takinu hat gesagt…

Yeah, red boots! Cool! I'd also like to buy me time, many new things. I do not even fit anymore. Not because of weight loss.

listgirl hat gesagt…

IT is fantastic to lose weight and get new clothes! I love the red boots, they're gorgeous!

Erika hat gesagt…

Congrats to losing the weight! Must feel great to buy smaller sized clothes. The red boots are rocking, so cool!

Stacey hat gesagt…

OH! Love those fun red boot! Cute Garfield card too LOL

Anonym hat gesagt…

Congratulations on your incredible weight loss, beautiful boots :) and a well deserved treat! Fabulous card totally cute :)

AlaskaMoffitts hat gesagt…

Hey, you should share you secret with all of us on weight loss. Congratulations! Love your new boots!