Sonntag, 29. November 2009

365/328 + 365/329 + 365/330 + 365/331 + 365/332

The week was too busy for taking pictures and my thoughts where miles away - so all my pictures in this post are from day 332 (except the one from day 229).

My elder son had a swimming competition in Erfurt this weekend. I accompanied him, to visit the historic center of Erfurt.

Saturday 28.11.2009 Day 332

The indoor swimming bath in Erfurt

My younger son also had a swimming competition in another town. He was accompanied by his father. My younger son got three medals --> gold for back stroke and freestyle and silver for breast stroke.

The rivalry by the competition of my elder son, was far too big - so he´ll probably get only one medal for butterfly. We didn´t know it yet, because the competition still continues until Sunday evening. But we know that he improved all his time performances. Nothing else matters.

Friday 27.11.2009 Day 331

Mariendom Erfurt processed

window beside the altar

Thursday 26.11.2009 Day 330

my breakfast in Erfurt

Wednesday 25.11.2009 Day 229

Playing with the kids

After work I played UNO with my sons.

Tuesday 24.11.2009 Day 328

Turkish honey

I found Turkish honey on Erfurt´s Christmas market (on Saturday day 332). For me it´s a childhood memory and I know my passed away mother loved it.

18 Kommentare:

Kerri hat gesagt…

glückwunsch an deine Söhne - Medaillien und die eigenen Bestzeiten verbessern, SUPER!!Sieht aus als wäre es in Erfurt schön gewesen. Schön daß es auch schon ein Weihnachtsmarkt gab. Wir waren heute in fulda auf unserem. Ich hab einen Crepe gegessen und die Jungs sind Karussell gefahren, aber mehr dazu heute abend auf meinem Blog.
Goober hab ich schon an für ein Schwätzchen später - jetzt ruft leider mein Bügeleisen nach mir!
Liebe Grüße

takinu hat gesagt…

You were only with one boy in erfurt? hope you had a nice time in erfurt. Greetings Takinu

gabs hat gesagt…

noch ganz fix einen schönen ersten advent wünschen will! und glückwunsch für deine beiden. sie sind echt klasse!

kirstiegai hat gesagt…

I always enjoy seeing what wonderful photos you have. Congrats to your sons.

Julia hat gesagt…

gratuliere zu den Medaillen. tolle Leistung.

Schöne Fotos. Besonders toll finde ich das Kirchenfenster.

Schöne Woche wünsche ich euch.

girlie hat gesagt…

hello!! congratulations to your boys. my son just finished his 6 lessons today and now he knows how to swim. oh how i wish he will take it as a serious sports...but of course it is all up to him. i admire your boys for being good swimmers!!!
i never really get the chance to thank you everytime you visit my blog...but i want you to know that i means so much to me. you haven't given my your address...i am still hoping i can send you a card this christmas, is that ok? will wait for you reply.

Mari hat gesagt…

What a beautiful church and stained glass window.
Congrats to your sons on doing well again!
You asked about Black Friday. That's what they call the day after Thanksgiving here, because so many people go out and shop that it puts the shops in the black!

Unknown hat gesagt…

Lovely photos!! I also love honey :))

Fabella hat gesagt…

Wow, gratuliere herzlichst Deinen Söhnen. Das sind ja wieder tolle Erfolge!

Und viel Spaß scheint Ihr in Erfurt gehabt zu haben, das Uno sieht interessant aus, kenn ich so noch gar nicht!

Türkischer HOnig .. ich glaub probiert hab ich den noch nie ... muß ich mal drauf achten :)

Sandra hat gesagt…

Wow, Deine Jungs sind super! Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Die Bilder sind toll.. ich mag das Frühstücksbild *gg*

Dir noch nen schönen Start in den Advent und gaaanz liebe Grüße

Bretta hat gesagt…

Enjoyed catching up with your pictures today after our holidays, Angelika. I Lived in Germany when I was a child and it's fun seeing your pictures that bring back memories of German Christmas traditions.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Congratulations to your boys! I am in awe of that stained glass window in the church - absolutely beautiful! Have you ever tried New Zealand honey?? DELICIOUS

Katinka hat gesagt…

Auch von mir Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Deine Söhne - das ist ja eine tolle Leistung!

Sehr schöne Fotos zeigst Du wieder.

Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen 1. Dezember und schicke ganz liebe Grüße

listgirl hat gesagt…

Your sons seem so good at swimming. And they swim year-round?

I love the photos of the church and the stained glass windows! Your breakfast looked amazing.

When I see my mom's favorite foods, it triggers memories of my mom for me too.

Sheri hat gesagt…

So sorry for not visiting more! I read your comment on my blog about saying good-bye. I totally understand! I just don't have the time to visit and comment on blogs these days. I wish I did though :) As always, such wonderful pictures! Congrats to your boys! I will try and check in again soon!


Unknown hat gesagt…

Klasse deine Jungs.... Herzlichen Glückwunsch und ihr habt euch ja schöne Tage in Erfurt gemacht!

Erika hat gesagt…

Your boys seems to be such talented swimmers. It must be a lot of fun competing and winning medals. I wish them all the luck with future performances!
Beautiful pictures, I love the one of the Mariendom and its stunning colored window. Your breakfast seems very tasty too!

Tracey hat gesagt…

The window at the altar is simply stunning! Your breakfast photo looks pretty good too :D!

Congrats to your boys on their medals..swimming is such a great sport.

Have a great weekend!