waving to Janmary
After our time in Bluffer´s Park, we stopped at Girlies special supermarket Top Food.
We needed stuff for dinner and some food souvenirs for me. Girlie remembered my preference for their yummy mangoes and had a heart to buy another box.
For dinner we had Sinigang . It´s a very yummy sour soup. Girlie made it with tomatoes, ginger, salmon, string beans, spinach and tamarind powder that made it sour.
Afterwards we had tons of yummy mangoes for dessert. Sad to know they were the last for a long, long time.
Later the time has come - time to say goodbye - and the time as I no longer couldn´t detain my tears.
Nitz was so kind to drive me to the airport... and had to resist more of my tears! Another big hug and thank you for that,Nitz. Good he left the airport fast, so it wasn´t more hard for me.
Thanks for every hug, every heart-to-heart conversation, your trust and kindness and letting me be a part of your family. Hoping to see you again, some time.