Had an appointment with a physiotherapist in the morning. Outside it was very dark like the world would go down. It was cold and sleeting.
During the day the weather changed from rain to snow to sun and back...
012-366 Grandmothers 70.Birthday

Today was the 70.Birthday of my sons´ grandmother.
We were invited for afternoon coffee and dinner. My younger one had a lot of fun to waiter. Some guests gave him a tip. So afterwards he was very proud to have earned something totally.
My elder one can´t be bothered to accompany. He preferred to go to the cinema with his friend.
18 pounds (9,1 kg) slimmed within 9 weeks
011-366 Yummy fish
Bought frozen marlin fish.
Used a recipe on the back of the pack. The fish was made in baking paper in the ofen... with leek, garlic, thyme and a marinade of oil, mustard and lemon squash.
My younger one was very thrilled about it.
In the afternoon he was at the hairdresser, as a gift for his grandmother, who has birthday tomorrow.
010-366 Picture calendar for the boys´grandmother

Both children will have a school assignment in English, tomorrow.
Therefore, I have learned with them most intensive.
School started again. Now the time begins, when I too can recover.
Had an appointment with a physiotherapist.
008-366 Lazy sunday

My little one was allowed to go to a reading, which he had won in a prize puzzle. Too bad, I couldn´t accompany again.
006-366 Carol singers

The boys were on the road with the carol singers. Due to my illness I could not accompany them this time and couldn´t take pictures.
But I used the time in which the children were outside, to tidy up my teenagers room... He was really unamazed that I´ve found all his garbage (in the background) and the laundry.
005-365 Brief winter interlude with sticky wet snow
Bad winter weather. The first and so far the only day with snow.
But it wasn´t really nice. The snow was very wet and sticky. Not good for sledging.
Too bad for the kids.
16 pounds (8,1 kg) slimmed within 8 weeks.
004-355 Still on sick leave

Had another doctor´s appointment because of my purulent bronchitis and sinusitis.
He instructed me to stay at home until the end of next week, to save myself.
003-366 My new love

Was at the orthopedist again, because of the pain in my left arm. Got a prescription for physical therapy. In the afternoon I played a little bit with my new love. It was a gift for christmas from my DH. Thanks again for your bounty.
002-366 Skates

The kids went ice skating and swimming with the local holiday programm.
8 Kommentare:
Gute Besserung. Tolle Fotos... schick mal bisschen Schnee her, mag auch welchen haben.
Hab ein schönes Wochenende.
Ah, wie ich sehe hast du den Kalender noch rechtzeitig fertig bekommen. Gute Besserung dir!
ich hab dir via Mail geantwortet
hoffe es geht dir inzwischen besser! Tolles Weihnachtsgeschenk - meine Mutter hat auch eins bekommen, und spielt täglich mit! Liebe Grüße, Kerri
Great shot of 365 photo's. I always like your food shots and the iPad...oh love. I really want to get one but I have been waiting for the iPad three to come out. I'm sure as soon as I give in a buy the iPad 2 they will release the new edition!
Huhu :) :)
schön, wieder so viel von dir lesen zu dürfen und so tolle (und lecker aussehende ;) ) Bilder. Vor allem wünsch ich dir weiterhin rasche Gute Besserung und dass das Medi gut anschlägt!
Schnee, au wei ..mag ich ja gar nicht, vor allem wegen den Straßenverhältnissen. Eventuell kriegen wir in der zweiten Wochenhälfte auch noch welchen ...
Ganz liebe Grüsse und eine schöne, ruhige Woche wünscht dir Ocean :)
Wie schön, dass Du wieder mehr schreibst :-)
Als erstes natürlich gute Besserung auch von mir!
Ein Ipad ist bei uns auch eingezogen, allerdings nutze ich es eher weniger ;-)
Das Lachsbrot sieht sehr lecker aus, bekomme grad Hunger ;-)
ich hätte ja jetzt riesen lust auf so ein lachsbrot *njam*
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