The day started fresh and windy.
My elder son had no school in the morning, because of the schooltreat in the afternoon. We went to the doctor for a vaccination.
We had lunch (sepia noodles with tomatoe-prawns-sauce) on the balcony. It was warm, but very cloudy and it seemed a thunderstorm would come! But we had luck... sun and blue sky were coming back.
It was the perfect weather for the schooltreat with 25°C degrees. Sunny and not too hot. Both kids had much fun with the activities they offered there.
Later in the evening I had my pilates course. It was displaced from last monday.. because of the trainer´s illness.
Illness... unfortunately my elder son is having a bad cold.
CU tomorrow!
Wednesday 29.07.2009 Day 210

Sunrise in the morning (30.07.)
Perfect weather today!! Quite sunny and warm. So I enjoyed a cup of café latte in a sidewalk café after work, before I picked up the boys. It was gorgeous!