That´s what we had on lunch today. Homemade pancakes with mincemeat stuffing. I made them together with my younger son.
After lunch I played "ludo" with him on a big carpet on the ground. We had much fun.
My elder son was on a swimming competition today. He won the gold medal for 100m butterfly. Maybe this will be my picture for tomorrow!?
16 Kommentare:
Great lighting on your food! And congrats to your son for winning the swimming race, that's so awesome!
O..jammie this looks great!!
Super photo, yummy food.
Congrats on the swimming medal too :)
mhmm das schaut lecker aus!
Oh wow,looks very tasty and congratulation to your son!
Can´t wait to see his price!
hmmmm, yummie.. now i am totally hungry... ;))
congrats to your son!
Da bin ich wieder ;)
Hmm, das sieht aber auch super lecker aus! Und fette Gratulation an Deinen Großen!!
Was ist denn Ludo?
Fab, das ist die Übersetzung für "Mensch Ärgere Dich nicht" ;-))
Congrats on your son's swim record! Looking forward to seeing that photo too! Hope you are having a lovely weekend! :)
CONGRATULATIONS TO YOUR SON! What an awesome achievement, Butterfly is not an easy swim!
The pancake looks yummy! What time is lunch LOL?
Have a wonderful week ((HUGS)) Tracy
Sounds great!! congrats to your son, sounds like it was a great day!
Mm, it looks delicious! Although I always end up having jam and cream on my pancakes, it is too good to miss out on. :)
Oh, it´s look delicious! And congratulations to your son.
That look yummy ;-)
mh lecker, wenn ich net grad gegessen hätte würd ich glatt hunger bekommen
wow sieht das lecker aus
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