My younger son was proud to light this candle for me. He also painted a wonderful mandala for me with many young men....LOL

From my elder son I´ve got this cute little rabbit together with a keychain. The keychain is in form of a bipartite heart. One part for me... and one part for a person I love, he said.

This wonderful page I´ve got from Yvi. I saw it first at the scrapbistro. I was totally speechless, really touched and I was moved to tears. Because it came so unexpectedly. It means a lot to me! Thank you very much Yvi.
Tomorrow is the birthday of Yvi ;-)

But the very best gift, is this amazing handmade brag book, I´ve got from Fabella. Thousand thanks for the special trouble you´ve made for me Fab. You can´t unterstand how much it means to me. It´s just the same as by Yvi. I am not used to the fact - that there are peoples who give me attention.
I love the brag book and I´ll always cherish it.

That´s what we had for lunch in an italian restaurant:
Insalata di mare

Insalata di scampi

And this is the worlds best-ever Streuselkuchen "crumble cake". The loan-grandmother of my boys had baked it - and they brought it home in the evening. The cake-box is decorated with handmade stuff from my younger son.

14 Kommentare:
Happy Birthday sweet! Shortly I will also 40. Wish you a very beautiful day! Many many hugs.
Alles Liebe zum Geburtstag! Gesundheit, Glück und Wohlergehen!
How wonderful! Wishing you a very Happy Birthday filled with lots of love!
Happy Birthday!
Lovely gifts.
Was für schöne Geschenke Du bekommen hast, obwohl ich finde, es müßten noch 100e mehr sein.
Ich bin so glücklich, daß Dich mein Geschenk so freut! Und freue mich, daß Du etwas davon zeigst .. ich hab nicht mal für mich Fotos davon gemacht ;)
Ich hatte viel Freude beim basteln und jetzt noch mehr wo ich sehe, wie sehr es Dir gefällt!!
Ich knuddel Dich auch hier noch 100000 mal!
Happy birthday, it seems you got spoiled a lot, love your photos and that keychain is to cute!
Happy Birthday!! So many nice gifts you've got, and lots of yummies to eat. That cake looks delicious! :) Great pictures!
WOW Great Gifts!! Happy birthday! The award is very beautiful ;-)
Your food shots are so great!! yum!! Love the candle one too!
Happy birthday! Looked like a wonderful birthday! Guess what? Today was my birthday too! We have the same birthday, how funny! :)
oh da bin ich wohl ein bischen spät dran, aber trotzdem von herzen: alles erdenklich Liebe nachträglich zu Deinem Geburtstag. du scheinst ganz dolle geliebt zu werden. ich freue mich riesig für dich und hoffe, du hattest einen wundervollen tag!
na da biste ja reichlich beschenkt worden, auch hier nochmal alles gute sweetie
auch hier noch mal alles Lieb für Dein neues lebensjahr! Schöne Geschenke haste bekommen!!
Happy Birthday!!! It looks like you received many wonderful gifts of love ... you deserve it! I'm so happy you had a lovely day. :)
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