This is one of the tulips my younger son gave me at midday today. He bought them on the market.
I love him so much and also these wonderful colours. He is the only one thinking of me. Not even at my birthday I have got flowers from my DH. That´s why the presents from my son are more precious as anyway. He´s always thinking of me, not only at my birthday, not only on mothersday - no, everytime he is thinking of me.
In the morning my elder son and I were spending 3 hours in school for the decision if he´ll learn french or latin. Now he decided to learn french. During these 3 hours my younger son and my DH were making the grocery shopping and they´ve cooked the meal.
In the afternoon both have cleaned the garden furniture, while my elder son and I were making a cycling tour of about 2 hours, after learning english vocabulary.
The sun was shining today, but it was cold. Again 2 degrees below zero in the morning and during the day 7 degrees.
15 Kommentare:
mann, das ist so lieb, da kommen mir glatt die tränen. meine maus ist so. wenn sie mit ihrem papa einkaufen geht, dann bringt sie mir oft was mit, was ich gerne mag. mon cherie oder so was. total knuffig!
die beste ausrede der männer ist ja dann: ich bring die lieber mal so zwischendrin irgendwie was mit. an geburtstag und valentinstag macht das ja jeder.... ja, ich kenn das LOL
What a sweet son you have! I like the photo too! I'm glad your son took French, it seems more useful. I took Latin but have forgotten most of it because it's never used.
Beautiful flower. Only a couple more weeks until tulip season here.
What a lovely picture. The colors and focus are beautiful! How nice of your son to bring you flowers. Enjoy.
Definitely still chilly there! The flower is absolutely gorgeous, and it is so sweet of your son to think about you! So nice that your dh and son did the shopping and cooked dinner too! That is the best for me...to not have to cook!
This is gorgeous! I love the vibrant colour. Beautiful shot!
O wow...love this flower photo :D
Love the colour of the tulip! Nice foto! And a very sweet son you have!
What a beautiful flower, and when my son was a young child, anything he gave me was always so special. I chuckled at your comment regarding your English.... well, I give you an A+ for effort! You are certainly doing better than I. I would love to speak more than just one language. Kudos to you! And thank you for stopping by my blog, I do love comments! ;)
Just hopping back over to answer your question!! Eric (my youngest son) is the first one in the photo. He has the longer blond hair. And yes...I think I was just so exhausted!!
wonderful flower
Das ist echt so süß von Deinem Kleinen! Schön, daß er immer an Dich denkt. Die Farben dieser Tulpen sind absolut hammer-genial. Tolles Bild!
Radtour .. hab ich ewig nicht mehr gemacht .. früher haben wir das oft gemacht, aber nicht mehr seit sie unsere Fahrräder aus dem Keller geklaut haben .. nun haben wir nur noch Klappräder, da machen lange Touren keinen Spaß mehr mit ..
How precious of your younger son to give you flowers and be so thoughtful!
What a thoughtful son you have, what a beautiful flower! Sounds like an extremely busy day in your home!
:) das ist wirklich total lieb von deinem Sohn. Und das Tulpenbild ist wunderschön :)
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