Samstag, 7. Februar 2009


Early in the morning we had about zero degrees and it was raining... so it came to black ice. There were many accidents and some people with bone fractures. But we were lucky enough and safe.

During I was in the office the sun was shining and it was a wonderful spring day. But only during I was in the office.... afterwards it was grey again.....What a bother!!

My picture of today is the salt-crystal-lamp on my bedside table.

Wish you all a wonderful weekend.

6 Kommentare:

takinu hat gesagt…

Have also a wonderful weekend. *hugs*

Sarah C. (my4hens) hat gesagt…

I love the mood of this photo so warm and comforting. I can see why you keep that on your bedside table!

Petra hat gesagt…

beautiful photo and those! Great weekend to you too!

Anonym hat gesagt…

oh ich liebe ja salzlampen und meine ist zu dieser jahreszeit eigentlich immer an LOL

Anonym hat gesagt…

Was ein tolles Bild. Soe in schönes warmes Licht. Gefällt mir richtig gut. Ja das Wetter geht mir so langsam auch gehörig auf den Keks *seufz*

Anonym hat gesagt…

uhi das sieht ja klasse aus, schöne warme farben