Today when he had a shower I took a peek under his bed. And what did I see there... his gameboy with headphones and many games. The yellow thing is a little reading lamp. Totally inconspicuous so I couldn´t saw the light outside under the door gap.
Clever boy... instead of sleeping he is playing and we have wondered us, why he is so tired and why he had dark circles around the eyes.
A perfect shot for today ;-))
Today we had 9 degrees above zero, but it was the whole day raining.
12 Kommentare:
lach ja so kann man auch sachen aufräumen gg
hehe that's so cute...glad his enjoying him self! :)
A really good idea. Yes, they are so small!
Really clever!
But does it have to be very uncomfortable! *lol*
A really good idea. Yes, they are so our littles!
Really clever!
But does it have to be very uncomfortable
Ich nehm mal an er hat da unten "nicht geschlafen" Ideen haben die Kinder wenn sie die Erwachsenen austricksen wollen...
LOL - wie genial ist das denn?
ja, geschlafen hat er dort tatsächlich nicht! Ob es unbequem war...? Man sollte es annehmen.... aber scheinbar war das für ihn kein Thema, so lange wie er immer drunter liegt... LOL
LOL sounds totally like something my son would do. great idea to get a pic of it!
na das ist ja clever .. blöd nur, daß Du es jetzt gefunden hast *lol*
How foxy!!
What a fiendishly clever boy! He had ideas to outwit her parents. lol
Cleveres Kerlchen. Ich hab früher auch heimlich mit Taschenlampe unter der Bettdecke gelesen.
LG Beate
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