I can't believe we are already on day 100 in this blogging adventure
Yummy pretzels for breakfast with butter and honey!!
After breakfast my DH and my younger son went out to clean the bicycles and tidy out the garage. The favorite pastimes of my son are cooking and cleaning... certainly playing, reading and snuggling, too!
Later my elder son was helping, too - but first he had to learn for school.

After lunch(On Good Friday certainly fish) we altogether made our 12 km (there and back... so 6 km one way) cycling tour to the ice cream parlor in town. We didn´t need jackets and we were only wearing t-shirts. What a great sunny and warm spring day!!
Hope you are all having a wonderful Easter weekend!
CU tomorrow!
19 Kommentare:
Wish you an wonderful Easter weekend too.
oh those pretzels look so good. did you make them?
Mmm they look delicious.
Great photo of your son!
I've never had pretzels for breakfast...but now I'm going to have to - Looks yummy! Way to go on the cycling to the ice cream parlor...you deserve that reward!
:))) das ist so lecker - Brezeln mit Butter und Honig, genauso mag ich sie auch am liebsten ;-))
Da seid Ihr ja eine tolle Strecke geradelt!
Ich wünsch dir und deinen Lieben auch frohe und sonnige Ostertage .. ganz liebe Grüsse zu dir, und jetzt schau ich noch runter in deinem Blog :))
Oh my, sounds like such a lovely day! I love the photo of your son with the water, very interesting. :)
die fotos sehn ja wieder klasse aus besonders das letzte ist dir echt gut gelungen
wünsche dir und deiner familie schöne ostern süsse knuddl
Pretzels for breakfast - that is new to me.
What great sons - they love to clean and cook!
Enjoy Easter, and taking photos of course!!
Lecker, so ne Brezel könnt ich jetzt auch essen :)
Das Foto von Deinem Sohn ist ja klasse mit dem Wasser davor! Super
Isn't it lovely the weather this Easter weekend, last year we had snow on Easter, this is much better! Ice cream and a cycle ride in t-shirts - much better!
CU tomorrow
mmm those pretzels look way too good!! Great photos and love the last with the splashing water!
@Jan Mary Pretzels for breakfast is normal in the south of Germany!!
And not both sons love helping and cleaning, only the younger one is loving it... the elder one do this only because it´s necessary but without joy
oh ja, wir hatten auch so tolles wetter. welch glück müssen wir keine 6 km einfach fahren - wir haben hächstens 800 m LOL - die kids gehen morgen suchen, ganz klar! wünsch dir eine gute nacht!
Pretzels sound good! I love the photo of your son with the water!
YUMMY Breakfast!! :)
oh love the photos, that 1 from the bike and water is amazing!
Das Wasserfoto ist ja coll.
wow... das Wasserbild ist ja genial! und die Bretzel schauen sehr lecker aus!
Sehr schön! I don't think I can continue in Deutsch even though I lived there vier Jahre and zwei Kinder sind dort geboren. Wir haben in Nürnberg u. in die nahe gewohnt. Das war schon 36 Jahre.
Ich liebe deine 'e-scrapbooking' Ideen.
I must come back here often to refresh my fading German.
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