He prepared breakfast for us and learned the English grammer and vocabulary in the absence of a battle. It is so hard to believe and I´ll hope that it wasn´t only a straw fire. Thanks my son, for these wonderful three days which warms my heart, I love you so much.
DH prepared lunch and afterwards we took a little walk in town. There I saw this wonderful play of light in the leaves - so this is my picture of today.
CU tomorrow
22 Kommentare:
This is beautiful. Sounds like a lovely day!
oh wow, das hört sich gut an. ist es nicht toll wenn die jungs plötzlich so ausgewechselt sind. ich hoffe, es hält noch ne weile an! auch toll,dass es deinem rücken etwas besser geht. ich wünsche euch einen schönen abend!
what beautiful photo!!! fantastic!! i'm glad to hear that you are feeling better.
Great you have a helpful son when your back is bad.
I hope he picks up some of his english from you - I am always impressed :)
Beautiful contrast and composure, I would have suspected it was taken if fall instead of the spring.
Great photo. I hope your back starts to feel better.
Glad you are feeling a little better and you had a good day with your son!
That's a really great shot - the light is awesome!
that is really a beautiful picture!
Oh the lighting is beautiful on this photo! I'm so glad that it was a good day for you and your son! :)
I love the striking contrast you got here. It actually looks like there are two different colors of leaves growing on the same tree. the light did some amazing stuff to this.
Great capture!
This is beautiful. Our trees don't have their leaves like that yet. I'm glad you are feeling better and able to get up and around.
I'm so glad your older son is being so good. I do hope your back is recovering and you are feeling better. The rays of light coming through the leaves are very cool!
Very nice light - lovely picture.
:) kann mir gut vorstellen, wie du diese Zeit genossen hast. Aber dein Rücken, das hört sich wirklich schlimm an. Hoffentlich wird es jetzt besser.. ich wünsch dir gute Besserung!
Danke dir auch für die wunderschönen Makro-Aufnahmen!!
ganz liebe Grüsse an dich .. einen sonnig-schönen Wochenstart wünscht dir
Ocean :))
Your DH has prepared lunch? Congratulations! This is splendid. Come on. Continuing so. LOL
Great shot. The lighting is fantastic!
Great picture!!
Wow, That is really beautiful...
Freut mich zu hören, das es dir etwas besser geht.... und eine schöne Unterstützung von deinen Sohn hast... das es uns erst immer schlecht gehen muß, das sie merken, was sie an uns haben.. ;o)
ein schönen Schattenspiel
Oh, so beautiful! Love the colors of the leafs, and how you can see the sun shine trough.
For your question about where our dog Ebba is; she is with Daniel's ex-wife and her family. We have kind of shared custody of Ebba, so it was no problem to go on the cruise, Ebba was well taken care of! =)
Ui das klingt ja super mit Deinem Sohn. Ich drück die Daumen, daß es anhält!
Dein Foto gefällt mir auch super gut. Das Lichterspiel ist wirklich genial!
What an exquisite photo, totally stunning lighting, beautiful!
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