The first skateboard of my elder son. He bought it today from the money he had got for birthday and Easter. It was a great dream of him. I think the red colour is as great as the graffiti on the bottom, and it was a good choice. What do you think about it?
The whole afternoon he was practising!! While I took the pictures of him. I enjoyed spending so much time alone with him. That´s really rare.
We had still wonderful sunny and really warm spring weather!
20 Kommentare:
geniales Graffiti. Schaut gut aus das Board.
What a great picture on the skateboard.
That is a cool graphic on his skate board!
Very cool skateboard!!
wow, das board sieht klasse aus! ich find klasse, dass er sich das board von seinem geld gekauft hat! toll, dass auch du heute einen tollen tag mit deinem sohn hattest. das tut richtig gut - ist einfach viel zu selten!
I like it! I like the picture of him using it too. It's even better that you got to enjoy the day.
Cool looking graphics! I am amazed how these kids can ride those things.
Love it! Cool graphics on the bottom! looks like he's a pro!
I like the super-hero look of the graphics on the skateboard. Looks like he was having fun!
This is wild and wonderful. He will enjoy it a lot.
Wow, that's a great shot of his skateboard. Did is ever quit to eat or sleep? I would think it would be hard to stop if you have a skateboard that cool!
Wow! Cooles Teil! Damit wird er bestimmt eine Menge Spaß haben!
wow .. das Graffiti sieht heiß aus - gefällt mir! und mit Sicherheit hat dein Sohn ganz viel Spass damit. Kann mir gut vorstellen, daß du die Zeit mit ihm genossen hast.
Danke dir für die Bilder, und ich wünsch dir einen unbeschwerten, schönen Mittwoch :)
liebe Grüsse an dich,
A great board. Now it is practice, practice. Not only English vocabulary *grin*
das board sieht echt klasse aus und ich denke er wird bestimmt viel spass damit haben
Tolles Graffiti... und ein tolles Bild!
Cool skateboard!
Your boys and mine would get on so well! Skateboarding is an art! The art on your sons skateboard is fabulous, vibrant and colourful.
Great pics. Glad you got some one on one time.
wow, das sieht ja wohl mal cool aus! Schön, daß Ihr so eine schöne Zeit hattet beim üben/fotografieren!!
I don't think boys vary all that much the world over.
Great photo.
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