
In the early morning hours I took my shots with the new macro lens, in our backyard. The red bloosoms are from our apple tree, the white one from our plum tree. I´m glad I did the shots.
Because later was a soccer match of my younger son, where I would rather shot my picture of today... but I forgot to apply the memory card.
And after the soccer match my back pain was so bad that I squirmed with pain and cried out in pain. The wet weather is another turn of the screw also standing ... but who had to go to the soccer field? Me? or DH? ..........
The rest of the day I used hot-water bags but I didn´t feel better. No matter if I`m sitting or standing always pain. Lying is the best, but I can´t stand up alone anymore or it needs about 20 minutes.
I think I must go to the doctor on Monday, for an injection.
24 Kommentare:
I am so sorry that your back is hurt. I don't think there's any worse pain than a backache, especially when you can't stand up. Sometimes, I switch the hot pad for an ice pack (only for 20 minutes), then back to the hot pad. I hope you are feeling better soon!
Your blossom pictures are gorgeous!
My daughter wanted to make sure that I told you that our family dog is a tan dachshund. I think she thinks he was born in Germany...he was actually born in Virginia ;) I'll post a picture of him soon.
Praying for you to get some good rest!
Those are beautiful macro shots! Sorry your back is so painful - hope it's better tomorrow!
mensch, du musst wirklich unbedingt zum arzt. das hört sich echt nicht gut an! dein männe soll dich mal ein bischen verwöhnen! ich drück dich und versprich mir, dich zu schonen und am montag zum doc zu gehen!
Sweetie, I am SO amazed by your skills!!! These are gorgeous, gorgeous shots - way to go!!!!!
So sorry to hear about your back. HH has back issues and I know about how bad back pain can be. I hope you feel better soon!
Your photos today are so soft and lovely, they have a dreamlike quality to them. I especially like the pink buds on the first one.
Wow lovely pictures..they are really great!!!
Uh das klingt aber richtig bös, Du arme :( Ja geh bloß mal zum Arzt, das ist ja eine Qual ohne Ende. Und dann auch noch zum Fußballspiel :(
Tolle Fotos hast Du wieder gemacht! Klasse Bildausschnitte und total schön mit den Regentropfen!
Wunderbare Bilder! die Farben sind so frisch nach einem Regen - schön! Und die Tropfen an den Blüten und Blätter fantastisch!
Ja Rückenschmerzen sind überhaupt nicht lustig - kenn das aus meinen SS. ich konnte jeweils auch kaum aufstehen, und manchmal hat es mich soo gezwickt dass ich in die Knie ging. Damals konnte mir eine Osteophatin dauerhaft helfen -gottseidank!
I´m so sorry that your lumbargo continues.S weet, you better go to the doctor.
Here it was sunny and a little bit warm. I also took pictures from apple blossom. You will see it the next few days on my blog.
tolle Bilder... Regentropfen waren auch gestern mein Motiv, aber dann kam mir ne Schnecke über den Weg.
The photos are beautiful! Love the colorful buds. I know about the forgetting to bring the memory-card! It is so frustrating when you remember the camera, but not the card.
Sorry about your back, a doctor-visit may be a good idea!
So many similarities . . . our apple blossom is at about the same stage (it fascinates me, the way the buds are red but the blossom white) . . . and I am restless because of pain in my lower back and legs . . . I'm carting a hot water bottle about with me . . . can't stand so I lie down . . . try to get up . . . get stuck . . . oh! It's been going on for about three days and I think it's beginning to ease up a little. Here's hope to both our backs and to a bumper crop of apples this year!
P.S. Have fun with the new lens too. New lenses / cameras can be a mixture of delight and frustration! L.
I can see your getting the hang of the Macro lens.
Beautiful pictures!!!
Hope your back gets better soon, good luck with the doctor tomorrow
These are gorgeous! Sorry to hear about the wet weather but it made for fantastic pictures! Love the water droplet.
stunning shots! You will have so much fun with your new lens.
I hope you fill better very soon. I am so sorry to hear of your terrible pain. The pictures are so gorgeous and I hope they take your mind away from your back pain for an instance.
och das klingt aber echt bös Liebes... ich wünsch Dir ganz feste gute Besserung !!!
Ohje... ich denke auch... ab zum Arzt damit!
deine Blühten sind sehr schön geworden...
It's nice that you have apple and plum trees in your backyard! I'm so sorry that your back is hurting so much!
Das sind ja tolle Bilder.
Habe gerade deine Makrofotos bewundert ... WAHNSINN!!! Gigantische Aufnahmen!
Beautiful photos, i definitely need a macro lens!
These are beautiful girl!!! ;-)
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