Another artwork from my elder son

That´s what happend today, in a moment of abstraction as I went upstairs, instead of staying at the stove. The wads of smoke swirled through the whole apartement. It has stunk terrible!! Only one moment later and it would have burned. Thank God nothing happened. But I had to air the rooms and to clean the kitchen cupboards and the exhaust hood.
Apart from this, we had a wonderful sunny spring day with soft air from about 25°C degrees....and the first private lesson in English for my son.
My younger son came home from his night in the museum. He told me, that he had slept under a stuffed bear. He learned much about bisons and Amerindians.
20 Kommentare:
your elder son is a very, very talented boy! He made a fantastic artwork and i love it so much :)
And your younger son is really sweet :)
I usually singe a kettles ;)))))
Have a nice day
oo I can smell that all the way in California lol ;-) no fun cleaning that. But the head ia cute ;-)
Oh WOW, you had a very eventful day! I envy your son, a night in the museum would be so cool.
oh things burn so fast!! So glad that it didn't catch on fire!!
How fun to spend the night in a museum!!!
thanks for the email! I have not had time to read through it yet, but will tomorrow! We are getting ready for our Good Friday service at church.
Happy Easter!
Oh, I hate when that happens. I'm glad nothing caught on fire.
Uhhh was sollte das denn werden? Wie gut daß Du runter kamst!! Immer nur Unsinn im Kopp :(
Ugg, I feel your pain on this one! I once put my brand new kettle on the stove for a cup of tea and then forgot about it and went outside with one of my babies on a beautiful day - I remembered the kettle about a half hour later and all the water had evaporated and the metal got burnt. The smell was horrid!
Glad you caught it early enough, though.
Hehe - da hattest du ja Glück im Unglück! Ja dieser Gestank und Rauch - Puhhhh! Cooles Kunstwerk hat dein Sohn da geschaffen- und eine Nacht im Museum ist natürlich auchnicht zu verachten...
That's a fun piece of art! And, I love that your son got to spend the night in the museum! That would be such an awesome experience! Sorry about your kitchen! I've done that before too! :)
Cool head, great artwork of your son!
Sorry about the cooking, but that happens to us all sometimes. :| Glad that nothing caught fire!
oh wei, gott sei dank ist alles gut gegangen. mir ist mal ähnliches passiert. da schickt man wirklich ein dankesgebet nach oben!
das kunstwerk sieht total genial aus!
ohhhhh, ich kann das Missgeschick hier regelrecht selber riechen... ich schaff das auch immer weider mal... zum Glück ist nix schlimmeres passiert!
Dein Sohn ist aber ein talentierter.. das hat absolut was!!
ich wünsch Dir bzw. Euch ganz ganz tolle Ostertage !
Love the sculpture! Sounds like he had a great time at the museum! Sooo glad that you didn't have a fire! so scary!
So glad you caught that before it was really bad! Love thet artwork.
That's pretty neat art! I've done that to a pna before too and it does smell bad!
Love the artwork! I've spent a night in a science center museum with my oldest daughter for Girl Scouts. Their floors are not very comfortable.
I love the clay artwork! Good thing your kitchen did not burn!
Great photos!!!
Fortunately, nothing happened. *hugs*
Happy Easter!
oh je .. ja, das ist mir auch schon passiert - das riecht schrecklich, und den Topf konnte bzw. mußte man leider hinterher wegwerfen. Aber gut, dass es nochmal glimpflich ausgegangen ist.
Einfach schön, dein Bild vom Markt! diese Atmosphäre auf solchen Märkten mag ich auch gern, und das Obst und Gemüse schmeckt einfach am besten so frisch.
Viele liebe Grüsse zu dir :-)))
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