The travel bag of my younger son. He was fetched from his grandmother to stay by her until Wednesday. Halcyon days for him!! I envy him!
I contend with the lumbago I´ve got after our yesterday´s cycling tour.
The wonderful spring weather continues, equally the battle of the english vocabulary with my son...
21 Kommentare:
Fun pirate bag! Hope your son is having fun at his grandmother's house. How fun that he gets to stay with her for a few days!
Love the pirate bag!
I like the bag! He will have a great time, i'm sure!
wow, that´s a totally fantastic shot!!
ich hoffe sehr es geht deinem Rücken bald wieder gut! Schöne Restwoche, komme erst am wochenende auf ein Besuch vorbei! LG Kerri
Ouch! Lumbago! Get well soon! *hugs*
I hope your lumbago clears up soon.
Hope you feel better soon. That's a neat bag with a pirate.
Coole Tasche!!
und alles gute für deinen Rücken!
Arrrrr, cool bag matie! Hope you're not in too much pain to take pictures and blog!
I have no idea what lumbago is but it doesn't sound good. :( Hope you are feeling better! Love the pirate bag.
so great that you live close and your children can spend quality time with their grandmother! I've missed that for my kids..we live far from both sets of grandparents!
that's one neat bag...love it! Also like your week 15 page!
Hehe, das ist ja eine coole Tasche!
Ohje.. alles Gute! das Piratentäschen gefällt mir!
Not to fear... that tornado happened in a different town far away!
Fun photo of your son's bag, and how lucky he gets to spend time with his grandmother!
Great pirate bag - my son would adore it.
Hope you get some rest and are in less pain soon.
Great bag, it looks very cool!
was ne süsse tasche! ich hoffe, es geht dir bald wieder besser. ist so blöd, wenn man nicht kann, wie man will! drück dich!
:) :) die Tasche sieht klasse aus. Ich wünsch dir ganz schnelle gute Besserung .. viele liebe Grüsse an dich,
Angelika we need to introduce our sons on yahoo/msn to help your boys english :) Great bag wonderful shot.
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