Another cold (1 degrees above freezing), wet and grey day in my life. On the picture you see the sleeting what we have at the moment. 9 years ago it was bitterly cold but the sun was shining. My husband said at that time "rather a day to beget heroes" but we lost our child. Today is the birthday of my deceased daughter. I hoped to find some sunflowers for my living room - and a better feeling - but it wasn´t meant to be.
Today is the right day to snuggle up with my younger son and for a cup of hot chocolate with cream.

In the morning I went to the doctor - He said it´s not allowed to go to work until the end of the month. So you see I´m furthermore in bad health.
15 Kommentare:
What for a dreadful weather you have. Brrrr. No wonder that you taking ill. I hope you get well soon. I´m sorry about the loss of your daughter. Have you found sunflowers for your living room? It´s very difficult on this time of the year.
no, I havn´t found some sunflowers - it´s really difficult...
same weather over here in Luxemburg...horrible. I cannot even walk the kids to school, but have to drive them
so sorry for your loss sweetie and this sad weather isn't making it a bit easier! Big hugs on the grey day for you! Take it easy and make sure to get enough rest!
Wow, I am so sorry for you loss and for the bad weather on this tough day.
Oh dear, what a day. I wish I could cheer you up ..... I am sorry seems so dumb to say on this birthday but that's just dumb me.... Look at that¤t=sun-flower_3314.jpg
Oh, was für ein Wetter!
Ach Süße, lass Dich mal fest knuddeln!! Was für eine tolle Idee von goodtexan, was ein schönes Bild!
ich mag das wetter momentan auch nicht man kann dann nicht raus
ich hoffe dir geht es etwas besser?!
(((hugs))) Sweetie, picture to match your mood. Not a good day to remember (I know). Hope you get in better health soon.
Nachtrag .. auch ich hab was für Dich hingestellt:
happy birthday to your girl, what a bittersweet day this must be for you, and the weather is so bittercold, I hope the sun will shine again for you. Big hugs.....get better soon girl!!!!
That looks so cold. I want to snuggle up with a good blanket and a hot cup of tea when I see that photo. Beautiful.
Hugs!! I hope tomorrow is a better day for you.
Die Sonnenblume bei Fabella hat mich hier her geführt und ich möchte Dir einen lieben Gruß dalassen.
Happy Birthday für Dein Töchterchen und sie wird immer in Deinem Herzen bleiben. Wie Du Dich an solchen besonderen Tagen fühlst kann ich sehr gut nachvollziehen. Es gibt nichts Schlimmeres als sein Kind zu verlieren.
Ich wünsche Dir, dass der Schmerz eines Tages nicht mehr so stark sein wird.
Das Kuscheln mit dem Sohn und die heiße Tasse Schokolade hat gestern bestimmt der Seele gut getan.
Für Deine Gesundheit wünsche ich Dir alles Gute.
Liebe Grüße
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