Montag, 12. Januar 2009


Even today it was bitterly cold in the morning. 13 Degress below zero. But a wonderful blue sky and it will be sunny today.

In the early morning I went to the doctor, and forgot my camera - so I can´t take a shot from the wonderful moon I saw. Hard luck!

Let´s see, what I can do during the day......

The day has passed... and it was not a good day. In the evening I had to go to a meeting of our local council. And altough it may seem absurd - our school will be closed.

During the meeting I get from bad to worse and at home I had fever and I break into shivers.

The last thing I had done before I went to bed - I took a picture...It doesn´t work how I would - inspite of a tripod - but here it is - the moon in the evening.

4 Kommentare:

Fabella hat gesagt…

Das ist ja echt schade :( .. aber ich bin sicher, Dir fällt noch was ein!

Knuddelgruß Fab

Chreamps hat gesagt…

All I can say is bbbrrrrrrrr! Hope you have a great day! Too bad about the moon shot.

Fabella hat gesagt…

Immer noch nix neues *schnüffel* .. komm ich morgen wieder ;)

Knuddelgruß Fab

Fabella hat gesagt…

Oh ein Mondfoto. Das ist doch auch mal was feines. Ganz im Gegensatz zu Deiner Erkältung :( Ich hoffe, Du wirst sie ganz schnell wieder los!

Knuddelgruß Fab