The pilates evening yesterday, was funny and not too heavy. I was a little bit afraid if I´m able to do the gymnastic exercises with my back - but it worked out really well and it benefit my back.
Today the weather wasn´t nice. Grey sky, cloudy and from time to time many rain.
In the morning I had an appointment with my handsame physical therapist, then I did the laundry and cleaned up the master bath. In the afternoon I had to bring the children to their swimming practice.
Meanwhile my DH cleared out the corridor and vestibule and began to paint the ceiling (in white). Tomorrow is the turn of the walls.
My picture of today is our broken exterior mirror. It happend yesterday while my DH drove the car....no one knows how it happened - suddenly there was a bang and it cracked up.
CU tomorrow
23 Kommentare:
Das war bestimmt der Regen, viel zu viel davon!! hihi! Echt ärgerlich allerdings! Klingt nach einem "busy day" für dich heute, ich hoffe du hast dich heute abend erholt!
Liebe Grüße
yippieh, ich kann hier endlich wieder kommentare hinterlassen. hatte dir schon eine email deswegen geschickt. keine ahnung, warum das nicht ging? jedenfalls war ich jeden tag auf deinem blog und freu mich jetzt riesig, dass ihr wieder da seid *hüpf* welcome home!
Glad your back is helped by the exercise. Bummer about the mirror though!
oh no
Pilates is hard. I am always sore after I do it. I hope it is not too hard to get the mirror fixed.
Sorry about the damage to your car - maybe the car kicked up a stone and that's how it broke - I hope it doesn't cost too much to repair it!
PS - I just need to see what your physical therapist looks like!!!
Glad to hear that the pilates didn't bother your back. Here's to a stronger back and less pain!
Auch kein langweiliger Tag, was!? Och da seid ihr bestimmt erschrocken als der Spiegel zersprang.
Was für ein Schreck! Freut mich das Pilaties seine Wirkung tut! Aber du hast ja auch viel auf den Zettel....
bei euch ist aber auch immer irgendwas. Du könntest noch einen blog eröffnen "pleiten, pech und pannen"*grins*
ist schon ärgerlich mit dem Spiegel, erst recht wenn man nicht weiß warum er kaputt ist.
Ich wünsche dir für heute einen streßfreien, erholsamen Tag ohne Zwischenfälle.
Lg Schlapper
nice to hear that your pilates went well. i am starting to be intrigued by your physical therapist!! hahaha...i hope you can get a photo of him one of these days.
too bad your side mirror got broken...
Oh NO! I hope you can get the mirror fixed sooner than later. Glad to hear the pilates class wasn't too harsh on your back. Good Luck with your Weight Watchers you could always just send me all your food, it always looks so yummy!
That with the broken mirror is very annoyed.
It is to be hoped you now not have pitch 7 years.
glad the exercises weren't too much for your back. Sorry about your mirror, but the shot is cool! :)
Pilates is great exercise so I hope it helps!
Ouch on the mirror. I hate when stuff like that happens because it usually isn't cheap to fix.
Too bad about the mirror but glad the pilates helped!
Good for you and your pilates. Too bad about your mirror. It seems there is always something to be fixed. (Koolaid is a very cheap powder drink that kids drink. It has been around for decades--I had it as a kid.)
I've been meaning to tell you that I think you are amazing for doing your posts in English - I would so love to reciprocate by commenting in your language. However, I think my brain is too old to learn......
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing more of your meal photographs - your photos make the food look absolutely delicious!
Hi Angelika, I'm so glad the pilates went so well for your back. Sorry about your cracked car mirror!
Sounds like your back is feeling better? Probably due to the good pilates and the handsome physical therapist, LOL.
Hope it is not too difficult or costly to have the mirror fixed!
great to hear the pilates training is doing you well! :) Oops about the mirror, but they say that will be good luck for seven years! :)
That is a major bummer about the mirror. But at least you had some nice eye candy at the therapist! ;)
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