Monday 03.08.2009 Day 215
Both children take part in a soccer camp the next three days and they are having much fun.
The weather didn´t start well - fresh and windy, but thankfully no rain, despite the black clouds.
My elder son has still a cold and actually he should stay at home, without playing soccer, but he wouldn´t! Hope I didn´t make a mistake...
In the afternoon the sun came out.
CU tomorrow!
Sunday 02.08.2008 Day 214+klein.jpg)

8,1 kg less after 7 weeks with WW
Fantastic weather today.
But someone in our family wasn´t in good it was a horrible day for all of us...
Only my younger son had the chance of fun in the afternoon. The farmer was reaping his cereal field. So my son went down and asked him, if he may go with him. And he has been allowed. Lucky boy!
Jumping into the ceral trailer and driving in the farmer´s tractor to the silo!
Saturday 01.08.2009 Day 213
Today my children visited the open air theatre with their grandparents. So we had free time for us.
My DH had a hairdresser appointment in the morning. After that we went to a bigger town about 100km far from us. Our first stop there, were Starbucks for a cup of café latte venti - the biggest one they offer there. Yummy... sorry no pictures... because I deleted them once again...inadvertently.
In fantastic sunny weather, I had a great day with shopping expedition; my DH more probably with having lunch in a steak house... LOL... but he survived the expedition.
Friday 31.07.2009 Day 212
Last school day!!! Now school is over for 6 weeks of holiday.
Today they´ve got their reports . My younger son had a fantastic one! Five times he got a A and third times he got a B.
My elder son got his first report in secondary school. That´s a new experience for us. His report wasn't bad, but it could have been better, had he wanted it to be...and as I know he is capable... (thanks Kerri for your help with the translation)
In town we are having a sports outfitters who is pending t-shirts for every pupil with a A in sport. You could imagine both of my kids having a A in sport
The children stayed overnight by their grandparents. They had got tickets from them for a open air theatre to their birthday in spring.
After work I met my DH in town, enjoying a cup of café latte together.