9,7 kg less after 8 weeks with WW
Today I slept until 7.45 am - wonderful -
Last day of the skater basic course. In the night it has rained so the pipes were still a little bit wet for the first hour. No sun, but it was very sticky. Despite the black clouds, there was no rain again.
Lucky children.
The pipes may also be used with BMX bikes. And my son tested one - and as may be imagined - he had much fun! He'd love nothing better than to buy a bike itself. But that´s too expensive and it isn´t good to juggle too many balls at once.

After the skater course we visited a funfair - and as you can see - still more sport for my son.
In the meantime the sun had begun to shine!
Hope you all had also a great Sunday!
CU tomorrow!
13 Kommentare:
Whoooaaaa! Da wird mir ja beim gucken Schwindlig! Hut ab für dein Sohn!
Auch der Sprung auf dem Skateboard, total cool!
Klingt nach einem tollen Wochenende bei Euch.Liebe Grüße
super sportliche Kinder hast du... tolle Bilder. Das BMX-Bild ist mein Favorit.
Eine schöne Woche wünsche ich dir.
Great action pictures, both of them! What is the pic from day 221? It looks like the trampoline-thingy our Linus tried out during our vacation. Anyway it looks like a lot of fun. =)
Great shots, the second one looks fun!
oh wow - deine kids sind echt ohne ende sportlich. haben sie das von dir? tolle, tolle aufnahmen!
WOW!! Very awesome shots - great job! I've been on vacation, so need to catch up with your pics! :D
Da habt Ihr ja wirklich Glück gehabt mit dem Wetter, klasse!
Das zweite Foto find ich hammer-stark, echt genial geworden!
We had fantastic weekend-weather. Last time on the beach. Today the school began again. Wish you a great week. When you have vacation and must not go to the work?
Wow - your kiddos sure are bundles of motion! Great job capturing them!
Congratulations on your weight loss! That's a great achievement! Looked like your son had so much fun!
wow.. der actionreiche Bilder!
:) :) wirklich super - sportlich, deine Kids. Klasse :) :)
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum weiteren WW-Erfolg!
I can only say WOW! That looks fantastically scary!
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