Samstag, 22. August 2009

365/233 + 365/234

Saturday 22.08.2009 Day 234

I had a short night and so I´m really tired. Someone in the house (not in our family) woke me up at 4.45 am. That bites!!! grrrr

After a nice breakfast together we brought the children to the meeting point for their vacation camp. The bus departed a few minutes past 10.00 am.

We had a lazy day, no working, no cooking, café latte in a sidewalk cafe, a fresh green salad in a restaurant. In the afternoon I was making a backup and my husband was watching the World Championships in Athletics on TV.

The weather wasn´t really nice. Fresh with about 19°C degrees and most of the day cloudy.

Whilst the children are at their camp I plan to visit Stuttgart for one or two days.

CU tomorrow

Friday 21.08.2009 Day 233

The whole day we were packing the bags for the vacation camp, sorted out clothed that were undersized and tidied up the children´s rooms.

For lunch we enjoyed home made cheese burgers.

It was a sticky day, with only 25° C degrees and it rained time and time again. We also had a short but heavy thunderstorm.

Today was also the birthday of my dear friend Sandra Happy birthday and many many hugs. I wish you all the best, health and joy. Hope you had a fantastic day. God bless you.

13 Kommentare:

Julia hat gesagt…

der schaut aber lecker aus.

Fabella hat gesagt…

Nanu, was hat denn gebissen? Eine mücke?

Hmm, der Burger schaut aber gut aus .. ich mag diese selbstgemachten super gern!

Ach .. kein Hermes in Sicht *seufz*

sara hat gesagt…

I love the picture of the bus!

I have to say, that I am not very nice when I get woken up early and 4:45 is WAY early!!! Hope you get a nice nap today!

kirstiegai hat gesagt…

I love having lazy days!

If you'd like me to send you a sample of some Vegemite then just send me a private message at W&W with your address details :)

gabs hat gesagt…

oh man, sieht der lecker aus. was habt ihr denn da für'n Käse drauf? mozzarella? hab ich noch nie benutzt. muss ich dann wohl mal! und die bus-aufnahme ist toll geworden. ich hoffe, die jungs haben ne schöne zeit und du geniesst deine zeit auch? lass dich auf jeden fall nicht ärgern!

Anne hat gesagt…

I love those cafe latte in a sidewalk cafe kind of days, especially when they follow short-on-sleep nights. (And your English is very good!).

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really envy you two who can blog every day of the year. That takes stamina!

magelan hat gesagt…

Oh etwas Kinderfreie Zeit! Hoffentlich spielt das Wetter mit und ihr könnt es geniessen!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Yum! there is nothing that can compare to a home made burger!

Erika hat gesagt…

Home made cheeseburgers are definately one of my favourites, and yours looks very tasty too!

Hope the guys have a great time at the camp!

Erika hat gesagt…

Once again I missed one of the pics in the post...

Cool photo of the bus, great angel!

I've been to Stuttgart a couple of years ago. Found it to be a rather nice city, with the beautiful hills surrounding it. But my favourite was Metzingen and the outlet-stores. =)

takinu hat gesagt…

Yammi, the home made cheesburger looks delicious!

listgirl hat gesagt…

Nice photo of the bus! The cheeseburger looks yummy!

Mari hat gesagt…

Looks like a yummy lunch!