Sonntag, 30. August 2009


The first signs of fall

11,3 kg less after 11 weeks with WW

I´m annoyed about the fact that neighbours are making racket directly under the window of my bedroom early in the Sunday morning at 6:30 am .....grrrrrr ... but that´s the selfsame persons which are having a bitch about my boys - when they are too noisy.

The day started sunny but the weather had cooled down still more, so I need my hoodie sweater jacket again - for our walk through a public park.

There I saw more colored leaves and that´s my picture for today.

Our boys are back! We picked them up at the meeting point at 1:30 pm. At home ... we put them first into the shower ... LOL

The whole day it was sunny, but first in the afternoon it warmed up a little bit. I hurried with the laundry of the boys, for drying out on the balcony.

Hope you all had a sunny weekend, too!

CU tomorrow

16 Kommentare:

Kerri hat gesagt…

Schönes Bild von den Blättern, früher hab ich gerne einfach so unter einem Baum gelegen und hab das Blattspiel beobachtet, dazu ist jetzt leider keine Ruhe mehr, aber dafür hab ich ja die Jungs ;o)
Hoffe ich hab dich am Donnerstag nicht angesteckt, kämpfe mit einer Erkältung, nehme gerade meine Medizin, dann gehts ins Bett
Gute Nacht
Liebe Grüße

sara hat gesagt…

I remember getting my boys back from camp....they smelled so bad, I don't think they showered at all while they were there!!! :)

did they have a great time?

Anonym hat gesagt…

your photo is gooorgeous! first signs of fall....incredible. And you lost 11 kg??? in 11 weeks??? Big congrats for that. Und weiter so :D


Jennifer (Jennilyn) hat gesagt…

Beautiful picture!

kirstiegai hat gesagt…

what a beautiful photo of the leaves

takinu hat gesagt…

Yes, the autumn is comming. But the two next days the temperature will climb to 30 °C. Sunny week. Takinu

Fabella hat gesagt…

11,3 kg .. Du siehst mich absolut begeistert, freut mich riesig, daß Du so einen tollen Erfolg hast!

Ja, ich hab auch schon die ersten Anzeichen des Herbstes gesehen. Am meisten nervt mich daran, daß es morgens noch dunkel ist wenn ich zur Arbeit muß und abends so früh dunkel wird. Darauf könnte ich wirklich verzichten ;)

Erika hat gesagt…

The photo is wonderful, love the sunshine through the leaves.

Nice to have your boys back, I hope they had a great time!

Julia hat gesagt…

ohja, das schaut ganz nach Herbst aus. Tolles Bild.

girlie hat gesagt…

yes...fall is just around the corner!! beautiful picture.
btw, thank you very much for all the warm messages in my blog. its nice to know that somehow somewhere people are sharing the pain. i was shocked to read that you lost your daughter 10 years ago...i don't think i can bear that feeling. do you mind if you share a little of what happened...?
have a beautiful week!

gabs hat gesagt…

wow, da hast du den nahenden herbst wunderbar eingefangen! und wie schön, dass deine beiden wieder da sind!

listgirl hat gesagt…

The leaves area beautiful! Your leaves already started changing?

Glad your boys are back.

Mari hat gesagt…

Beautiful picture! It's cool here too and I'm not ready for fall!

Dot O hat gesagt…

Fall leaves already? Yikes!!!

We have cool temperatures tonight - about 55 degrees F which is signaling that autumn is on its way. Makes me very sad to think that summer will be over soon.

Love your leaf photo, though, and just think of the colors we will capture when all the leaves start changing.

magelan hat gesagt…

Ja ja langsam muss sich mein Herz daran gewöhnen, dass nun doch der Herbst kommt.
Ja gell Lärm von ausgerechtnet jenen Leuten die sonst reklamieren ist ätzend!!

riTa Koch hat gesagt…

Sehr interesant!
You must forgive my poor German.
I loved reading every bit of German in your blog. We lived in Deutschland und Osterreich almost eight years total. Two of our children were born there. My GPS is set on German for memories sake.
And I so enjoyed reading your German-style English.
And your stories and photos, too!
We were witnesses for dear friends who were married in Nurnberg years ago.
Your son's art work is amazing. Our family is into art, sculpture, pottery.
My daughter (btw, adopted in Germany) loves sunflowers.
I too was touched by the reference to your profound loss.
Would love to hear from you, even or especially in German!